Outreach: Transforming The World Through Mission and Service

Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. Yet many in his world and our world lack those things they need for abundant life. We respond to the needs of the world by seeking to live a life of love for our neighbor. Our mission is especially focused on children, hunger, and healing, and we encourage all who are part of our community to use their gifts to help transform the lives of others.
Food Pantry, and Christmas Toys For Children
St Nicholas offers an evening food pantry twice a month on the first and third Wednesday, to fit the schedules of working people who can’t take time off to visit other area food pantries.
At Christmas time, we collect unwrapped toys to benefit a local immigrant services charity that has a children’s program. Click here to see how you might be able to help by volunteering or donating non-perishable food items and personal hygiene and cleaning supplies. Subscribe to News from Nick in the left hand column to hear about upcoming ways to serve others.
Healing Ministry: The Order of St Luke

The Order of St Luke is very active at St Nicholas! We offer a healing ministry on the third Sunday of the month, and will soon be offering a Eucharist with Healing at Asbury Park retirement community. There is no expectation of miraculous cures, just the warm and caring touch of a friend who asks quietly what sort of healing is needed, and offers to pray with you and offer their understanding and support. For more information, contact Jennifer Brundidge.
AA/GA Support Groups
St Nicholas is proud to host AA and GA support groups. Click here for more information, and check the calendar for the current schedule. There are daily meetings of AA, while GA and Al-Anon meet on a weekly basis.
How You Can Be Part Of The Community of St Nicholas
St. Nicholas is not a building, it’s a community that belongs to all of us. All are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent. Below are some of the ways you can get involved, along with contact persons. There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin boards above the drinking fountain at St. Nicholas. Please take time to sign up.

Acolytes (who assist at the Altar at our services)
Contact Pat Kalicki

Altar Guild(care for and prepare the materials used in our worship services)
Contact Katie Black or Audrey Cannon

Book Discussion Group
Current book selections, along with meeting place and time, are found here.
Contact Steve Gruenwald
(our members dust, vacuum, mop, clean our kitchen & bathrooms and wash windows) so that more of our resources can be used for mission & ministry)
Sign up on the bulletin board at church.
(those who lead the prayers of the people at our services)
Contact Pat Kalicki
(those who proclaim the biblical readings at our services)
Contact Pat Kalicki
(weekly News from Nick email)
Oblation Bearers
(those who bring the gifts of bread, wine, juice, money, donations to our food pantry to the altar during our services)
Contact Pat Kalicki
Contact Ginny Gibbs