News from St. Nicholas with the Holy Innocents

St. John the Baptist
At a time of year when things seem to get impossibly hectic, we’re going to keep One Bread, One Body really simple.
Thanks to all who helped make Bishop Scantlebury’s visit a success. If you took any pictures during the day, please send them to Ethan Jewett at , so that we can post them on the new Website we are developing.
Pray for Steve…
…really hard, this Saturday the 9th as he takes case exams at the Jung Institute from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
Christmas presents for needy children
This Sunday is the deadline to bring new, unwrapped presents for children served by the Northwest Community Family Health Center. We also need people to bake cookies for their Christmas Party on the 16th. We could use a few people – especially children – to attend and help out at the party. And we need volunteers after the St. Nicholas Mass to drive around the neighborhood picking up presents people have left.
Contributions to the gift for Debra Bullock need to be in ASAP
Her ordination is Saturday. Debra served last year as a seminarian intern at St. Nicholas.
Bring a non-perishable food item to church
Our food pantry will benefit greatly if we all remember to do this each Sunday.
If you have not yet turned in your 2007 pledge…
…please do so as quickly as possible. Early returns are encouraging.
Make yourself a name tag whenever you worship
Advent and Christmas schedule
- The Second Sunday of Advent, December 10. Regular schedule.
- The Third Sunday of Advent, December 17. Regular schedule.
- The Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 24.
- One Advent liturgy at Holy Innocents with both congregations. 10 a.m.
- Christmas Eve, December 24.
- Family Mass at St. Nicholas, 4 p.m.
- Traditional Mass at Holy Innocents, 8 p.m.
- December 31, Feast of the Holy Innocents (transferred). One liturgy at Holy Innocents with both congregations, 11 a.m.