Easter Preparations: Flowers for Holy Saturday April 23

If you’d like to contribute toward Easter Flowers, in memory or thanksgiving, please click here for a form to return with your donation.

Acknowledgments will be both printed in News from Nick and on a card placed in a floral arrangement at Easter. Of course, you are still welcome to bring in flowers for Easter on Holy Saturday during the day.

It has been a long-standing tradition at St Nick’s that the main celebration of Easter is actually the night before, on what is called Holy Saturday. It’s a big night, with plenty of extra readings and music, but also lots of light, color, and flowers. The sanctuary starts out pretty bare and dark, but then once the Light of the World is proclaimed, all the lights go up, the choir sings a joyful anthem, and everyone else helps to decorate the altar and the area around the sanctuary with the spring flowers and Easter lilies that they have brought along and left in the gathering space. We still plan for this, but decided this year to ensure that there were plenty of flowers to arrange by ordering some in advance, with dedications.

Easter Sunday is usually a more family-oriented service, but with less of the darkness and drama and more bright colors and flowers. Together with Holy Week, it’s the most important celebration of the year for liturgical Christians, followed closely by Christmas and our own patrons feasts in December.

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