Shout Outs: Giving Our Thanks

Thank You125

To the Church of England, birthplace of Anglicanism and our Mother Church, which recently and overwhelmingly voted to allow women to be elected to the role of bishop. Congratulations and blessings!

To Thelma Malecek and Jennifer Brundige who represented St. Nicholas so admirably and faithfully at this year’s Annual Diocesan Convention. Way to go; your company was warmly welcomed.

To all the dedicated volunteers who give of their time and serve the needy this Thanksgiving and those who care for the homeless — your service is truly a gift from the heart.

Living Nativity Dec 6 at Church of the Holy Spirit


Our friends at Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit cordially invite one and all to attend and be part of their two outdoor Living Nativity performances.

Mark your calendar for December 6th. Performance times are 4:00pm and 5:30pm. Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit is located at 150 Lions Drive and Elk Grove Boulevard right here in the Village.

Let’s start off our holiday season celebrations in style. Again, all are welcome. Bring the entire family…Jesus welcomes all.

NOEL: Christmas at St Nicholas CD Available

Pre-order our CD NOEL: Christmas At St Nicholas

The new CD by the St. Nicholas Choir has arrived. This CD is entitled, “Noel: Christmas at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church” and features many beloved Christmas songs.

The choir has decided that after expenses, all proceeds from the sale of the CD will go to the Capital Campaign.

CDs are $10 each and are available for purchase after both weekend services.

We greatly appreciate your support!