One Bread One Body July 29

News from St. Nicholas with the Holy Innocents


Luke 11:13 “Give us each day our daily bread.”

We develop a superficial kind of freedom,
which in the end is not freedom at all,
because we just imprison ourselves more.
It’s not the freedom to choose any brand of toothpaste you like.
What people too often seek is freedom of the ego
instead of freedom from the ego.

Freedom of the ego means that I can do
whatever I like in relation to others.
The more my will triumphs, the more free I am.
That is nonsense, illusion.

The freedom Jesus was talking about…is the freedom from the ego.
In other words, I’m not tied down to my own selfishness.
It’s the freedom to do God’s will,
to love other people,
to be one with them and the whole universe.

— South African Dominican theologian, Albert Nolan

Rummage sale a huge success on many levels

As I listened to the prelude this past Sunday, I looked around at those gathered together for worship and smiled as I realized that almost as many people were in attendance at church that morning as had been physically present at some part of the rummage sale. Before I revealed the rummage sale gross sales total on behalf of us all during the announcements, I reported on the number of our members that helped with the sale in some fashion. At least to me, this was even more important than the “bottom line” that often gets reported about these fundraisers. As I see it, the “bottom line” was that thirty-two members of our one congregation selflessly gave of their time from Thursday night to Saturday night to be present at the sale. And, many more who were unable to be at the sale had donated items, hangers and bags, priced items, hauled items, and lent tables prior to that. The most gratifying aspect of the sale was that it was truly a community effort. The “bottom line” was that we came together-united under a common cause-to achieve something truly great. Yes, we made money to advance our mission-$5,011 to be exact-but more importantly, we made it very clear to ourselves and one another that we are now one family. This fact was simply undeniable as we worked together, laughed together, ate together and yes, even disagreed and problem-solved together. One thing that has frustrated me since the beginning of the New Year is the repeated reference to the two parishes we used to be. While I realize that this was inevitable as we grew to know and love each other, I remember hoping several times that I’d never hear about a reference to which congregation any of us used to belong to. At least from where I stand, we are at that point, and it is truly an honor to be part of this community. With deep gratitude, –Douglas VanHouten

Discerning our parish name:

As we continue our discernment of possible new names for our parish – looking at three names that had wide appeal at our June parish meeting: Good Shepherd, One Bread, One Body, and St. Mary Magdalene – I want to ask you once again to engage in a personal spiritual exercise. Take some time from your schedule this week and go to a quiet place.

  • Spend some time quieting yourself and asking God to be with you in your prayer.
  • When you feel ready, spend some more time letting all the reasons for selecting the name St. Mary Magdalene come into your mind. As you end this time, write down the reasons that name should be the one we choose.
  • Finally, spend another 10-15 minutes letting all the reasons for not selecting St. Mary Magdalene come into your thoughts. Again, write them down.

This is a discernment process, not a political one, and so it is important to suspend your personal preference so the spirit can speak to you – and all of us — about our name. Let go of your desire, and see what happens. On Sunday, July 15, we began our process by considering the name Good Shepherd. This past Sunday, we focused on the name, One Bread, One Body. The results of both these discussions are posted on flip charts in church and you may add to them. You also can add to them by email to This Sunday, I ask you to focus on our third possible name, St. Mary Magdalene, using the procedure noted above. After July 29, we’ll leave the results on flip charts. During the next four weeks, I hope you will read and ponder the results. We’ll hold another parish meeting on August 26 to see where the Spirit has led us. David Taylor will be in charge of white smoke…. Seriously, what I will be looking for on the 26th is whether we are coalescing in a particular direction. I’ll try to work the process so we continue to have some fun and remain loose and open to the Holy Spirit. But I won’t force anything. If we are not in substantial agreement of some sort, then that will be a sign we are not ready for to make this change – and that will be fine.

Adult Education

The adult education group will be meeting today at 9:00 am to continue our discussion of Native American spirituality.

Help move the rummage sale leftovers this Sunday

We are going to donate the leftovers from the rummage sale to the Kenneth Young Center – and we need your help. This Sunday, after church, we are going to load up as many SUVs, minivans, wagons, cars, and pick-ups as we can and head over to the Young Center, located on the western side of Elk Grove Village. Twenty minutes of your time will help us clear out the POD and reduce our only rummage sale expense. (Thanks to several kind donations of products and services by parishioners.)

Gardening for God : Our garden is beginning to bear…vegetables!!

Thanks to the green thumb of Bill Barlow and some assistance from AA members with watering, we will be able to provide produce for our own food pantry and area pantries as well. Our tomato plants and beans are beginning to yield an abundant harvest, with melons not far behind. We are asking for volunteers who are willing to pick and deliver vegetables to local township food pantries during the week. If you are able to help with this ministry to the hungry, please contact Bill or Mary Anne

Volunteer to help with the food pantry

The St. Nicholas with the Holy Innocents food pantry is open on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Volunteers are needed to be on hand to greet the guests, pass out grocery bags, and provide any needed assistance while they choose their food. If enough people participate, your commitment will be every few weeks or months. If you would like to help with this ministry, please see Mary Anne O’Rourke.

Collecting school supplies for Clearmont

It is close to August, and we all know what that means – back to school! Through August 26, we will again be collecting school supplies for needy children. The school supplies will be donated to Clearmont School, where they will be distributed to children whose families cannot afford to purchase them. We will also have some on hand for families who use our food pantry. Please place your donation on or under the table at the entrance to the worship space.

If you shop at Amazon…

…be sure to visit it through our web site and part of your purchase will go to our church, thanks to the work of Ginny Gibbs. Go to our web site at Click on more news and events, which will take you to the blog and then look around until you find and click the Amazon link (the search box is in the left-hand column –Editor).

Food pantry items particularly needed include…

Help replenish the food pantry by bringing one or more non-perishable items each Sunday and placing them on or beneath the table just inside the worship space. Items that we particularly need for the pantry are canned fruit, tuna, canned pasta such as Spaghetti O’s and ravioli.

Bishop’s committee report

Present: P. Kalicki, D. Taylor,
M.A. O’Rourke, M. Borg,
S. Martz, P. Brouillette,
Unable to be present: K. Martin, E. Jewett

No official actions were taken at this meeting. The following topics were discussed:

Several matters related to schedule and vacations. Also, the timing of “Recovery Sunday” – a celebration of the recovery ministries, particularly AA — in our church. Originally, we had been thinking of holding this in October, but September is National Recovery Month and so Steve will talk with some of the AA people about possible dates.

Preaching dates were assigned for the remaining Sunday in August and several September Sundays.

Our “Kick-off” Sunday – anyone have a better name for it? – will be September 16. We will return to two liturgies that day, with a celebration of community that will include activities for children and adults.

Disposition of the donatable leftovers from the Rummage Sale and the importance of removing the POD quickly to minimize charges and maximize our sale profit. Items to be included in One Bread, One Body.

Realigning our budget to reflect the work of our teams and other areas of ministry, and to make funds available directly to each team.

We reaffirmed our decision to replace the west windows of the worship space with clear glass windows rather than stained glass. The three green stained-glass pieces already in the church will be moved to three of those five windows. Steve noted that an anonymous parishioner is donating $500 for new stained glass. That will be used to replace the green dove window in the baptistry with another dove that will be more similar stylistically to the other stained glass in that area.

David provided an update on estimates he is receiving for various work in the church.

Discussion continued about our approach to the 2007-08 program year. There is increasing agreement – though not consensus – that we should focus primarily inwardly during the year, seeking to build community and prepare ourselves for aggressive growth efforts following the completion of the building. We expect, however, that beginning the building will result in increased visitors, and we do expect growth during the 2007-08 year.

Potential outreach efforts during the year were noted, including outreach to the gay and lesbian community and possible offsite offerings. Most members of the committee agreed with Steve that space and construction considerations made it preferable to do major outreach to families with young children in the 2008-09 program year, after the building is completed and we have the space to try some new and expanded approaches with our children and young people. This discussion will continue at the next meeting.

Ministry Team News

Nurturing Team.

The nurturing team plans on making prayer blankets for Pam Linick, who moved to Virginia on July 20 to be near her son, and Carmen McCall. Please continue to pray for both of them.

Inviting Team.

The Inviting Team will meet this Sunday at 11:15.

Give Mary Anne your number…

Mary Anne O’Rourke is coordinating a new and amazingly easy fundraising effort. If we register our Dominick’s “Fresh Cards” with the store, Dominick’s will return a percentage of our purchases directly to the church. Simple as that. You can contact Mary Anne at

Parish Baseball Outing

On Friday, August 24, Karen Martin, is organizing another baseball outing to see the Flyers – and fireworks – that same evening. Game time is 6:45 p.m. and tickets are $10. See Karen for tickets, or contact her at

What’s your story?

One of my projects before summer’s end is to help us as a congregation tell our story more effectively. We do this in many ways and one way is through some great stories on our web site from members who share what led them to the parish. But we need more. Lots more. Would you consider adding yours? I would be happy to help you write or edit it, or if you don’t want to write it yourself, I will interview you and write it for you. Thanks!

One bread, one body: one!

This week’s observation from Fr. Steve Martz:

As I said this past Sunday, and as Douglas observes in his report above, what struck me most about the rummage sale was its oneness. Part of my job as pastor of this congregation has been to try to attend carefully to the feelings and dynamics of each of the churches that have come together to become one bread and one body. What we have been doing is hard work that evokes all sorts of feelings. And so I have continued all these months to think of “Holy Innocents” and “St. Nicholas.”

When I got home on Saturday after two nearly full days of rummaging (but not nearly as full as the days put in by some), I realized that I had not thought once during those two days about the two distinct congregations. Never thought, “Oh, Tim is from Holy Innocents” or “Heather is from St. Nicholas.”

Once home, I realized that for the first time I had been immersed in our congregational life for many hours without ever thinking of congregations, without worrying whether this was too informal for the Holy Innocents people, or that was too traditional for those from St. Nicholas, or any of the other minute feelings and thoughts on which I have been focused this past year.

Of course, I am not so naïve as to assume that everything is now completely blended and there will never again be a moment when we don’t wish things were the way they used to be. Each congregation carried decades of its own history into this marriage and birth of a new congregation, and it is impossible ever to let go completely all that history, all those relationships, all the ways of being and doing unique to each former congregation. Still…

My fundamental paradigm for pastoring has always been clinical, and so I presume – as I would if this congregation were my patient – that my recognition of our increasing oneness reflects the congregation’s conscious or unconscious – it doesn’t much matter which — recognition of the same dynamic. I suspect I am simply picking up what is.

Certainly what was achieved in this rummage sale – both in terms of revenue and parishioner involvement – could only have been achieved by one, quite new and completely wonderful congregation. Thanks to all of you who have chosen to become a part of it – and thanks for letting me be a part of it with you.

Lots of love, — Steve

Schedule of events for the week beginning July 29:

Sunday the 29th

Worship at 10 a.m.

AA meets at 7:30 p.m.

Inviting Team meets at 11:15 a.m.

Volunteers need to move rummage leftovers, also at 11:15 a.m.

Monday the 30th

AA meets at noon

AA meets at 7 p.m.

Tuesday the 31st

AA meets at noon

AA meets at 7 p.m.

Building group meets with architect, builder, diocesan officials at 7 p.m.

Wednesday the 1st of August

Bishop’s committee meets at 11 a.m.

AA meets at noon

Food Pantry is 6-7:30 p.m.

Thursday the 2nd

AA meets at noon

GA meets at 7 p.m.

Friday the 3rd

AA meets at noon

Saturday the 4th

AA meets at 1 p.m.

AA meets at 8:30 p.m.

Sunday the 5th

Worship at 10

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