[ENS] At its General Convention next week, the Episcopal Church will launch a new grassroots partnership with ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History. The new initiative, called ONE Episcopalian, seeks to rally Episcopalians –ONE by ONE — to the cause of ending extreme poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
“Strong advocacy from a wide array of Americans — including people of faith — is needed so government leaders will commit the resources necessary to meet the Millennium Development Goals,” said Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold. “The ONE Episcopalian campaign will provide an opportunity for all Episcopalians to unite their voices with the large and growing movement to end global poverty in our time.”
The ONE Campaign is a movement of Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life, united as ONE to help make poverty history. ONE is a coalition of more than 70 of America’s leading advocacy and humanitarian organizations and more than 2.3 million people, joining together to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. The goal of ONE is to direct an additional ONE percent of the U.S. federal budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, food and clean water to transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world’s poorest countries.
The Episcopal Church — which endorsed the MDGs at its 74th General
Convention in 2003 — has been a member of the ONE Campaign since its first year of existence. ONE Episcopalian builds on this energy by equipping dioceses, parishes, and individuals to be more effective advocates and join with people across America and the world in the fight against extreme poverty and global AIDS.Look for more information during next week’s General Convention. Bishops, deputies, and visitors at the Convention Center are invited to visit the Peace and Justice Ministries display area in the Episcopal Church Center’s booth. Other Episcopalians can look for information next week from the Episcopal News Service, as well as additional information as the campaign progresses.
By speaking with ONE voice, in common language, Episcopalians have the opportunity to show the power of ONE!
Alex Baumgarten,
The Episcopal Church,
202-547-7300Meighan Stone,
ONE Campaign,
202-468-0791Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_75362_ENG_HTM.htm